The information contain herein is accurate to the best of our knowledge and is provided by Buffel Grass Seed Company, Inc. to you free of charge. Buffel Grass Seed Company, Inc. does not assume any liability for the information provided. Should you have any questions or would like further clarification on any information provided, please contact our offices and we will try to help you.
We broke down our grass seeds into two groups (pasture grasses and turf grasses). The pasture grass seeds can then be broken into two categories (native grasses or introduced grasses). Please select one of the three categories to see the various grass options within each category.
Common Bermuda
Giant Bermuda (NK-37)
Pasto Verde
Buffel T-4464
Buffel Drought Buster
Buffel Biloela
Buffel Laredo
Buffel Pecos
Klein Selection-75
Klein Verde
WW-B Dahl Bluestem
King Ranch Bluestem
Kleberg Bluestem
T-587 Bluestem
Gordo Bluestem
Medio Bluestem
Wilman Lovegrass
Weeping Lovegrass
Blue Panic
Sorghum Almum
Giant Bermuda (NK-37)
Pasto Verde
Buffel T-4464
Buffel Drought Buster
Buffel Biloela
Buffel Laredo
Buffel Pecos
Klein Selection-75
Klein Verde
WW-B Dahl Bluestem
King Ranch Bluestem
Kleberg Bluestem
T-587 Bluestem
Gordo Bluestem
Medio Bluestem
Wilman Lovegrass
Weeping Lovegrass
Blue Panic
Sorghum Almum
Bristlegrass, Plains
Sideoats Grama
Sprangletop, Green
Switchgrass, Alamo
Texas Panicum
Little Blue Stem (new)
Common Bermuda
Giant Bermuda (NK-37)
Pasto Verde
Buffel T-4464
Buffel Drought Buster
Buffel Biloela
Buffel Laredo
Buffel Pecos
Klein Selection-75
Klein Verde
WW-B Dahl Bluestem
King Ranch Bluestem
Kleberg Bluestem
T-587 Bluestem
Gordo Bluestem
Medio Bluestem
Wilman Lovegrass
Weeping Lovegrass
Blue Panic
Sorghum Almum
Gordo Bluestem (Old World)
Plains Bluestem (Old World)
W.W. Spar Bluestem (Old World)
Ironmaster Bluestem (Old World)
King Ranch Bluestem (Old World)
Kleburg Bluestem (Old World)
WW-B Dahul Bluestem (Old World)
T-587 Bluestem (Old World)
Common Bermuda
Giant Bermuda (NK-37)
Pasto Verde
Buffel T-4464
Buffel Drought Buster
Buffel Biloela
Buffel Laredo
Buffel Pecos
Klein Selection-75
Klein Verde
WW-B Dahl Bluestem
King Ranch Bluestem
Kleberg Bluestem
T-587 Bluestem
Gordo Bluestem
Medio Bluestem
Wilman Lovegrass
Weeping Lovegrass
Blue Panic
Sorghum Almum
Gordo Bluestem (Old World)
Plains Bluestem (Old World)
W.W. Spar Bluestem (Old World)
Ironmaster Bluestem (Old World)
King Ranch Bluestem (Old World)
Kleburg Bluestem (Old World)
WW-B Dahul Bluestem (Old World)
T-587 Bluestem (Old World)
Bristlegrass, Plains
Sideoats, Grama
Sprangletop, Green
Switchgrass, Alamo
Texas Panicum
Little Blue Stem
Bristlegrass, Plains
Sideoats, Grama
Sprangletop, Green
Switchgrass, Alamo
Texas Panicum
Little Blue Stem
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